
Posts Tagged ‘trade show’

Once again the huge flooring show has come around and once again I am not there! I’m a long way down the chain and nobody would pay my way, so I remain here in the sleet for another weekend.

I know a fair number of the Headlam head honchos are in attendance and fingers crossed that we will begin to see some innovative, bold and creative products filter through from this show.

I do have high hopes: surely the recession will motivate stronger companies to innovate and come up with products to drive our trade forward. What is is they say, necessity is the mother of invention? Something like that.

Until I hear back from those who were in attendance or get some feedback, then I’m as much in the dark as anyone else. I’d expect a good showing from Balta/Balterio and an increasing Chinese and Turkish presence will be as intriguing as ever.

I know what I want to see and that’s a lot more products around to provide the wow factor with customers. Recent products like Beach HutSplash and Polyflor’s wonderful collection of LVT (Luxury Vinyl Tile), Expona and Bevel Line.

Should anyone feel the need to invite me to any future trade shows then I’d be happy to accept, although my impartiality is not negotiable! Las Vegas would be nice, but I can probably live without Birmingham 😉

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