
Archive for June, 2009

……they are ‘modular flooring’. You have to chuckle. Heuga, the leading carpet tile manufacturer around, have now dropped all mention of the word ’tile’ from their merchandise, point of sale and products and instead want their flooring to be known as ‘modular flooring.’

Now don’t get me wrong here, Heuga produce some stunning and wonderful products and are on of the few progressive and innovative flooring manufacturers around, but let’s face it, they make carpet tiles.

Its a Blank Canvas..

It's a Blank Canvas..

Currently they are really pushing their eye-catching new stand and ‘concept’ and they have sold a few of these up and down the country:

For Premier Heuga Retailers

For Premier Heuga Retailers

They want a very large investment from the retailer for these (we’re talking thousands of pounds here) and while there is nothing wrong with charging that amount for such a prominent and (hopefully) effective display stand, I can’t help feeling that in the current climate shops will be reluctant to part with that substantial an amount of cash. The stands are also enormous, so I think that only a limited number will ever be seen in retailers.

By the look of their product range, Heuga position themselves towards people earning £50k+ per year and to whom design and originality are important. If you are looking for something distinctive, original and of good quality then see what you can do with their ‘modular flooring’, you may well be surprised at jist what you can create with this stuff.

You Can Get Those Creative Juices Flowing

You Can Get Those Creative Juices Flowing

From a personal point of view my main quibble is that you lose comfort with a tile becuase of the lack of underlay and for that reason you could not persuade me to fit them in my own home, as much as I admire the stuff.

Anyway, you can check out their impressive array of products here.

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Kreta, the budget shadow pile from ITC carpets, has been running for around 3 years now and its new incarnation has just been released – imaginatively called ‘Kreta III.’

As far as I can tell the only major change is the colour choice, with a definite shift towards softer and more natural shades. I’ve scanned in a sample of colour 91 Slate here:

Budget Shadow Pile - Kreta from ITC

Budget Shadow Pile - Kreta from ITC

It’s not bad for the asking price (expect to pay £9-£13 square metre), comes 4 metres wide and is now available on fel back only.

Shadows are nowhere near as popular as they once were and not everyone wants to head up towards £20 for Associated Weavers’ California Dreams and New Territories, as good as they are.

I expect this will sell to older customers and probably go down in quite a few sheltered accomodation jobs!

It features a 5 year Wear Warranty from ITC and features ‘bounce back fibre’ apparently. It is rated haevy domestic (surprise surprise!), but I would recommend it for bedroom usage and perhaps for an older couple or single person where wear is not a major consideration.

I’m glad it is around though as it gives us a budget end shadow that isn’t as flimsy as say ‘Carma’ or ‘Quebec.’

Krerta III

Krerta III

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I won’t pretend that commercial and contract flooring is my forte, but as a small retailer we do our fair share of jobs in commercial premises and they are always varied and bring a different set of challenges to our usual domestic work.

Recently we were asked to fit a small area of around 30 square metres in a safety floor. As chance would have it I was leafing through a trade magazine (yes, even this trade has dedicated magazines for it), when I noticed an ad for a new idea – a safety floor in tile form. There are several huge advantages to this to my mind. Firstly you don’t need to weld, saving time, hassle and expense. Secondly the transportation of these things is simple – rolls of safety floor are heavy and frequently need to go into fairly inaccessible areas, so another big thumbs up for these and thirdly, the quality of the tiles themselves is excellent. Tarkett’s manufacturing is definitely something we can trust and rely upon for stock in depth and a high level of quality control.

When you handle a tile you immediately notice just how pliable and easy to work with this stuff is. When you compare it with its closest roll competition from Polyflor and Altro, it seems to win out in that regard.

It has an impressive colour palette (not all colours are available in tile format) and of course meets all the relevant standards from use in commercial areas where occassional spillages may occur. This is not wet room flooring, but would be fine for example in a toilet of a bar or restaurant or similar. The tile format also enables the possibility of mixing colours easily and quickly to create patterned effects. Tarkett demonstrate this effectively with this image:

Innovation in Safety Floor

Innovation in Safety Floor


Keep an eye out for it, I think it’s going to be a big seller.

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Homestyle Vinyl

Homestyle is one of our best selling cushioned vinyls. It comes on a roll in widths of 2m, 3m and 4m and in a huge 26 designs – a mix of wood plank, tile and mosaics with something to cover most tastes. The emphasis on this range leans towards modern designs, but it’s a good all-rounder.

It is 2.6mm thick with a 0.20mm wear-layer – decent but not spectacular. It should be fine in most domestic situations and comes with R10 slip-resistance, as so many vinyl do these days. We used to run a Tarkett vinyl called Gladiator for around the same sort of price, but it seems as though it has been replaced by this range now.

Tarkett are perhaps not so well-known with the public as say Rhinofloor, Nairn or Leolan, but their products can stand should to shoulder with their competitors. Homestyle is pretty much an entry-level product, but looks the part and they backit with a 10 year warranty. Fitters have had no problems working with this stuff, and we have now been fitting it for around 6 months or so.

My favourite (and the best-selling design is certainly the Fiora Alu Black shown here:

Metallic Mosaic Design

Metallic Mosaic Design

It also comes in blue/silver and peach/silver in this particular design, and very eye-catching they are too!

Aside from that, we have some run of the mill tiles plus this design, Sarondo:

Silver/Grey Small Square: Sarondo

Silver/Grey Small Square: Sarondo

Wood planks are also very well represented in this range with a lovely warm beech, some delicious wide plank oaks and a couple of ‘beaten up’ looking floors.

Tarkett recommend fully sticking any area over 16 square metres, but it is fine to loose lay it under that.

I’d reckon you will pay £8-£13 per square metre for it and it’s a good buy at that price.

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A lot of consumers have had bad experiences with carpet and flooring retailers. I know, I hear their tales of woe every day. Sometimes, it must be said, the customer themselves has contributed to their own downfall, but it is clear to me that the trade as a whole needs a good shake up and needs to take a good, long look at itself.

So, what upsets so many people? I think I’d probably need to break this down into categories first:

Problems with Pricing: If ever an issue was a hot potato to the trade then this one is it. A relatively minor annoyance to upstanding retailers is that some of their competitors still choose to label their prices in square yards rather than square metres as they are meant to by law. The trick is that the square yard price is lower than the square metre price (a square yard is smaller), so the unususpecting customer who has seen a carpet elsewhere for £9.99 per square metre and now finds one in the unscrupulous shop for just £8.99 per square yard, is actually going to be charged £10.75 per square metre and end up paying more to a dishonest retailer. Some shops claim they are making some kind of metric martyr  stance but in reality they are doing it to fool you, the customer. Avoid ‘square yard’ shops in the UK like the plague.

A more contentious issue regarding the pricing of floorcoverings though is the ‘60% off’ labels that are so common within this trade. I am not going to name and shame any retailers here, but the idea that you can cut 60% or more from the price of a carpet is nonsense. Nobody makes those sorts of margins and you can bet that if they did then there would be a carpet shop on every street corner.

This issue needs a thorough investigation by the Office of Fair Trading. Many shops claim that carpets were once priced over £30 per square metre and yet now, magically they can let you have them for just £20 per square metre! How can they possibly discount so massively? Easy – the original price is purely used by them prior to the reduction as a means of ensuring they can claim such big discounts. In reality no other shops than them ever had the carpet anywhere near £30 per square metre and usually the shops that offer such ‘generous’ discounts end up with a final price that is simply around the average going rate for the product. I could name the larger retailers that do this, but I won’t. The practice is not exclusive to the big boys though, I’ve even seen small retailers try it.

In fact one of the largest carpet manufacturers told us (about 6 or 7 years back) to deliberately inflate our prices in early December (carpet shops have fewer customers coming in the shop then as they are all booked up for Christmas), so that we could discount their products in January. They even had pre-printed posters ready for us! The January price was actually just our normal retail price. Needless to say we told them where to go — disgraceful.

Fitters: The fitter is the last person the customer sees. A good fitter is worth his weight in gold to any shop and good fitters often mean repeat business. We are lucky in that we trust all of our fitters implicitly and know that their work is spot on at all times. That hasn’t always been the case – we’ve managed, unwittingly,  to employ some awful ones, but luckily rooted them out before too much damage was done. Lots of shops do not realise the importance of good fitters and to my mind there are two equally important aspects to fitting. Too many shops pay little or no attention to who they employ or subcontract fitting work to – make sure you ask about who will be fitting your flooring when you buy it and an answer like “they all fit correctly to British Standards” is not what you need to hear – that should be a given!

Obviously the standard of the work must be professional and consistent and the fitter must be reliable and honest. The most overlooked aspect though is that the fitter should have people skills. They should be personable, friendly and polite at all times. There are scores of surly, stroppy and downright rude floor fitters around I’m sorry to say and many of them should simply never be unleashed on the public!

Qualifications for fitters are relatively new and many of the very best fitters have no formal qualifications. Certainly NVQs are beginning to surface now, but to my mind and my own experience of NVQs, they are not worth much at all. There is no substitute for experience, ability and personality in my view. Sure, if a fitter has been on many courses then at the very least he is eager to learn and taking his occupation seriously, so it’s good to see, but it’s not going to mean that he is a better fitter per se. As with so many other trades now these new qualifications are being levered into the trade for one main reason – that’s to earn money for the course providers.

The biggest concern with fitting though is shops who will take no responsibility whatsoever for their fitters’ work. Now I don’t care if the fitter was paid separately or in the shop at the time of sale (a thorny issue with fitters, shops and HMRC), the shop must take action when a customer is not happy. Legally they don’t need to if a fitter was paid separately, but surely they have a moral obligation to sort out any problems. Sure, not all complaints are legitimate or reasonable, but if a shop simply says ‘not my problem, phone the fitter,’ then they are not providing any kind of customer service. Ask the question at the time of purchase , “what do I do if I have a problem with the fitting?” Regardless of whether we used an employed or a subcontracted fitter, I would always seek to resolve the problem with the fitter rather than referring the customer to him directly. A good shop wants to discover any shortcomings or problems to ensure that everything is as it should be.

Salesmen: Generally speaking, salesmen are not impartial. They are there to make money for themselves by selling add-ons, hitting their targets and earning commission. This is where smaller shops have the edge. In my shop I will only ever try to sell something I am confident of and I don’t earn commission, so I am looking to give you a good deal so that you will come back to me next time. Many small shops operate like this – they need your business and they have to convince you to recommend them and to be happy with your purchase. Larger retailers very often could not care less. The TV ad, or full page press ad will bring another boat load of customers in tomorrow.

Ask the salesman specific questions about what you are buying. Don’t be fooled by ‘heavy domestic’ labels – you will struggle to find carpets without that on them! Also make sure that whatever the salesman promises is on your invoice – removal of furniture etc. Ignore the warranties – mostly meaningless and read reviews of carpets and flooring on here as I add them. You can even email me for my opinion on any carpet or floorcovering.

Most salesmen receive little training and fail to understand the whole process. All salesmen should go out with fitters to understand what’s involved, yet very few do. Most fitters curse the ‘idiot’ salesman who has promised the customer the earth without thinking of talking it through with the fitter first.

One question I am often asked is why don’t shops tell you how much carpet you need when they come out and measure? Simple – it is because they have come out and (usually for no charge) measured and planned the job and if they hand you a plan then you may well have no intention of buying a carpet from them and may simply have been taking advantage of the system. Most shops are wise to this and therefore will refuse to give you your sizes until after purchase. A lot of cheap and nasty shops don’t provide this service so reputable shops are often taken advantage of and it is very annoying I can tell you! I can usually smell a rat from the off though -people who are looking to use and abuse this system tend to say very similar things and act in a very similar way. If a shop or fitter thinks you definitely won’t buy from them then there is also the possibility that they will deliberatley give the wrong sizes – I’ve seen this many times when we have got to the job and the poor customer’s carpets have all been too small because some irritated estimator elsewhere was sulking he didn’t get that job. Always ask the shop who you are going to buy from to come out and measure.

Presentation: Very often this is woeful. To be fair to all and sundry in the trade, things are now improving slowly but many shops look like something from Steptoe and Son. Pattern books piled up and strewn all over the floor, display stands falling to bits and unclear or non-existent pricing on the products. We’ve had our fingers burnt several times by spending a fair amount of money on stands that turn out to be disastrous for us. I remember that our Abingdon/Carpets International stands cost us several thousand pounds and we were supposed to be on better terms than non stand holders because of that, but we found out that we just weren’t – lovely.

A fair amount of blame can be passed squarely to the manufacturers who seem to think we ought to pay premium prices for their super duper display stands. They have a lot to learn. Vinyl manufacturers have it sussed – Rhinofloor, Leolan, Nairn, Tarkett, Polystyl etc all provide lovely FREE stands to show off their wares, yet carpet manufacturers almost always ask for vast sums (allegedly rebatable on sales) for theirs. They provide little or no point of sale – few posters, NO catalogues, little advertising etc – a note to all carpet manufacturers: please please please print a catalogue of your products! A nice colourful, glossy catalogue would do wonders and I can’t help wondering why this is rarely done. Even a CD-Rom with PDFs on it would be a start or else a decent website – Associated Weavers, Domo, Beaulieu , I’m looking at you.

Another problem is that the samples we receive are all different sizes and many just will not fit on the display racks we have. Is it too much to ask for an industry standard carpet sample size? I suggest 9″/18″ and 27″ and nothing else.

That’ll do for now – I’m sure there are more though.

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Another new loop pile natural from Associated Weavers joins an already cluttered market. Don’t get me wrong, Associated Weavers do make some lovely carpet – just not this time.

There’s not a lot to say about this one – it’s felt backed, polypropylene, with a tiny loop pattern and in my opinion it’s very poor! I would certainly not say it was suitable for heavy wearing locations like stairs and landings. Of course the manufacturers say it is and their labels adorning the back of my samples attest to this, as well as offering a ’10 Year Stain Away Warranty’.

Obviously they are better at cleaning this kind of carpet than me, because I find it a total nightmare to live with and most of the people I come across who fit cheap loop piles to stairs have problems with it.

It feels awful to the touch and I pity the poor fitter who is sent to fit a hall, stairs and landing in it.

For what it’s worth they claim it is ‘heavy domestic’, so who am I to argue? I can only give my opinion and that my sample book is heading for the skip – I won’t be selling this one in the shop.

I would always prefer Timzo or Balta for cheap naturals – better value and handle way better.

Cheap Natural - Hudson Bay

Cheap Natural - Hudson Bay

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Balterio Grandeur

Every so often a product will come along that you take one look at and you know immediately will be a winner. Balterio’s Grandeur is a product like that. It is a newly launched laminate floor and quite simply, it sinks the competition.

The most obvious difference is that the planks are extra long at 2039mm and nice and wide at 238mm. Grab a hold of a plank of it and you appreciate its superiority – it weighs a lot. None of the flimsy, bending in your hand nonsense that a lot of the big DIY shops’ laminates give you, this is a mighty plank and is 9mm thick on a hefty bit of HDF.

Superbly Wood Like Grandeur

Superbly Wood Like Grandeur

The proof of the pudding though, is does it look much like wood? I’ll answer this right away – it looks a lot more like wood than any other laminate floor I have ever seen by a mile. Balterio have surpassed themselves with this gorgeous ‘Chromezone’ technology and the colour choice is oaky, but tremendous and ideally suited to these long, rustic planks. ‘Victorian Oak’ is the pick of the bunch to my eyes and I highly recommend this – way better than Quickstep’s 950 range and a step up from their new Largo range too, to my mind.

Balterio say:  “Luxury class in every aspect. The fall down installation system on the short side of the planks guarantees quick installation and rock solid fixture. The Chromezone® technology that gives the planks a wonderful matt chrome finish, adds the finishing touch.”

Hermitage Oak

Hermitage Oak

Their new ‘fall down’ system should make life easier and quicker and I will wait to hear what fitters make of it, but they rarely fail with their laminates so I expect it will work and work very well.

Bear in mind that I am not trying to sell you this product and I have no affiliation with Balterio – these opinions are my own and in this case it’s credit where credit is due. I recommend it very highly and I know that you will not be disappointed with it. Expect to pay around £25 per square metre for it.

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