
Posts Tagged ‘carpet tiles’

Well they did promise some impending acquisitions, but Headlam group’s subsidiary, Home Foundations, has now acquired carpet tile/modular flooring manufacturer Heuga Home Flooring.

Basically it is the residential business that they have acquired and not Interface, which takes care of commercial carpet tiles (in the main).

It is a hugely significant acquisition and adds to Headlam’s hugely successful and dominant portfolio as the UK’s top wholesaler/manufacturer. It will be interesting to see how the move pans out in the coming months, but Headlam largely like to keep the brand running as is, at least initially. I was told recently by a Heuga rep that the company’s domestic stuff hadn’t shown a profit for years, but I did not delve to verify that.

Please can you begin to refer to this stuff as carpet tile and not modular flooring now? For my money, they really need to look at their pricing – far too many products at £40+ per square metre with retailers struggling to see the benefits and value of them to their customers.

One of the first moves is to remove the ludicrous delivery charge that Headlam Group wholesalers have been charging for Heuga domestic products – now that really really annoyed us.

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