
Posts Tagged ‘Balta’

Balta Carpets have been promising us all some vibrant and eye-catching colours lately and they finally seem to be delivering on that promise with some of their new ranges.

Tempo Tonic

Yesterday we received sampling for a new budget natural carpet on felt back called ‘Tempo Tonic’. The colours are crazy and well up with the ‘funonthefloor‘ campaign (or possibly mentalonthefloor in this case).

Tempo Magenta   Tempo Tangerine

I’m not convinced this well sell very well, but at least it brightens up the racks and gives you something to joke to the customers about. It might sell well to chavs though – we have plenty near our shop so we shall see. It should sell in most places for under £10m, we’ll have it on for £8-£9 or thereabouts.

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