
Posts Tagged ‘Associated Weavers carpets’

Omce a flagship product of Wilton Royal, Crown Prince and Crown Regent has returned to production with Associated Weavers launching it recently.

I got hold of a sample book today and although the designs are similar to the old days, the carpet itself has been thinned out considerably. In its heyday, Crown Prince was a top selling carpet – a chunky cut-pile print with a choice of Fleur de Lys print (Prince) or else simple pindot (Regent). Now it’s a budget felt-backd print.

The Label Sports The Butterfly!

The Label Sports The Butterfly!

To be fair, it’s not all that bad. Comparing it with Associated Weavers’  Hollywood felt-backed pint, this does feel and look a little more substantial. The colour bank is pretty good, with blue, burgundy and a chocolate brown available. There are barely any cut-pile prints left around now and it’s a welcome addition from my point of view. Sadly the designs are along the same lines as ITC’s Heritage Collection (although that is significantly heavier). A couple of new small motif prints could definitely sell for us right now.

Such Groundbreaking Design...ahem

Such Groundbreaking Design...ahem

It is a shame to see a once decent carpet cut down to the bone like this, but these things happen quite often in this trade – Balta’s Wellington Wilton has seen some major changes in its lifetime, for example.

Expect to sell it for £10-£12 a square metre I reckon.

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