
Posts Tagged ‘Altro’

Sometimes sales reps will wind we retailers up a little with an amusing anecdote, a joke straight out of a 1978 edition of ‘The Comedians’ or even a tie that their wife bought them for their birthday. However, every now and then they will try to pull your leg about a product.

When I saw Altro’s new safety floor, Xpresslay TM, I was definitely suspecting the worst…..

Very briefly, if you don’t already know, commercial safety floor has to be fully adhered to a prepared subfloor. Damp measurements need to be taken and great care must be taken with the preparatory work. The vast majority of problems on jobs like this seem to occur because of poor, or non-existent preparation.

What Altro have come with here is a new safety floor that does not have to be fully adhered in the traditional way. Instead the idea is that you use Altro’s double sided tape around the seams and perimeter to stick it down….and it works! You would still need to fully stick it if very heavy items were to be rolled across it for example, but generally speaking, taping will work on the majority of applications.

More intriguingly though, Altro have developed a product here that can be fitted on top of old vinyl floors, so you don’t need to hack up the old flooring. This is because there can of course be no ‘plasticiser migration’ as they call it. There is no adhesive used that will interact with the surface of the old tiles – genius!

Also you can fit it on top of underfloor heating without even turning it off and also you can begin to weld it immediately. Add to that the fact that you can fit this product on fresh concrete that has a RH (relative humidity) of up to 97% and you have a wonderfully flexible solution that will solve a lot of problems quickly and easily.

Let’s step back from the technical stuff for a moment though and think about what this means. To me personally, it is a great addition because we aren’t specialist safety floor/commercial contractors – we get a handful of these jobs every now and then and this product will now be our first choice to show customers.

It means we don’t have to worry about costly and time-consuming preparation, moisture testing and it is quicker for us to install, so our fitters are tied up for less time. All this will translate into a better experience for our customer and a more competitive finished price. Sure, there are many cheaper safety floors around, but Xpresslay TM is not especially expensive by industry standards and its features and benefits make up for any price differential. If a comparable safety floor is £3 per square metre less, then that is going to be easily eaten up (and a lot more) in prep work. Xpresslay TM wins hands down for me.

For the specialists, it will be one of many solutions they offer, but to the many many retailers who do the odd job in safety floor, this is a dream product. Full marks to Altro.

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